Alra have added a new stage/point in the audition process in which they get you in front of the camera, I think this is so they can see how your look portrays onto a TV screen (after all it is a school that specialises in TV acting)
You don't have to actually act Infront of camera but a few questions are asked like 'what are you interested in' or 'give me an interesting fact about yourself' I think with questions like this it's best if you can sort of stay away from the whole acting road, let them into something else about you, it might be skiing or you see yourself as an adrenaline junkie because you've done sky diving and freestyle skiing or whatever!
A few things to remember whilst your on camera:
-Don't look into the lens of the camera unless your asked too, otherwise just pretend it isn't there
-Take any hair out of your face
-Keep your eye level centred not to high and not to low otherwise the camera will lose your eyes and just see eye lids (maybe try this on a camera of your rown and see what your like)
- Get rid of distracting habits - maybe when your nervous your itch your face, play with your hair, overly blink, lick your lips, pick your nose and eat it....whatever weird habit stop it because the camera picks up everything and enhances it by 10!
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