Sunday, 12 January 2014

The background story...

WARNING: I am not JK Rowling or Roald Dahl so there may well be some speling, punctuation: or they're maybe grammer mistakes! (Awful pun's intended)


So drama school... its apparently twice as hard to get into as both Oxford and Cambridge. 12'500 people apply for places in the UK each year and only 1500 get a place.

I am one of the tens of thousands of students (could say freaks) around the world trying to get one of the 28 places in a drama school! I continue to ask myself why I decided to attempt to join such a busy, competitive career path, but i get the same answer everytime and its because I couldn't see myself in any other career - and enjoying it!

A background story of me and how I ended up writing this blog.

Classic sea and sunset shot you get in on holiday.
My names Keaton Lansley and I live in Manchester (England).

As a kid i remember being asked what my hobbies were, in which my reply was always a dopey 'ermmmm' (Yes I didn't come out the womb with the words 'To be or not to be' along side some awful jazz hands)
I was waiting for my toast to pop up one morning aged 10 when I opened up the newspaper on side ready to be binned. I aimelessely flicked through when I saw an ad for drama classes in central Manchester. I decided to join and after the first couple of lessons (and shitting my pants each time I stepped on stage) I started to love it!

Acting continued as a hobbie on Saturdays until an agency (Scream Managment) asked be to audition for their books, I did and was sent for an audition the day after! Since then I have been lucky enough to bag myself a few roles in TV and Radio (a few credits include: Casualty, Doctors, Ingenious and

I then made the easy choice of studying drama at gcse level and then for an A-Level which I am still studying. I am now faced with the tricky task of trying to secure a place in drama school which so many of us do. This decision and process isnt made that much easier by the lack of help given from past students and proffessionals, online. 

The aim.

Hopefully this blog will give you aspiring actors, like me who are not sure what pathway to take (in terms of further study) some tips, advice and my personal opinion on the process of uni applications and drama school auditions.

Enjoy and Good Luck!

Peaceeee ✌✌

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