Firstly, forget the stigma that RADA's audition process is 'snoberish'.
I had been told loads of stories about how strict,cold and unfriendly the audition panels were at RADA. I was even told a story about someone going to their audition for the school and them receiving a comment about the school 'not accepting people from the north'. Because I had listened to all the comments off other people I was most nervous for this audition.
Everything negative I had heard about their audition process was bashed out the window as soon as I arrived, we where greeted in a friendly manner and taken into a room at the royal exchange in which we filled out a few sheets to give to the audition panel.
One by one we were called into the room in which we met two tutors from RADA who I found to one of the nicest panels I had met. They asked me what monologues I was going to be performing and then they told me to begin with which ever one I wanted. I began with my Shakespear and then was asked to go straight into my modern.
I then had a 5 minute interview with the panel in which they showed great interest in to my past professional work and they really made me feel comfortable - more like a chat rather than an interview which I wasn't expecting!
A few people complain about the RADA audition process as you don't get much out of the day but I personally liked the quick pace of it and the one on one/personal feeling it had.